Learn how to apply Rational Living Therapy / Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to personality disorders, mood and anxiety disorders, as well as advanced cognitive modification techniques, advanced underlying assumption modification techniques, and group therapy.
Rational Living Therapy
Level-Two Certification
Home Study Program
Presenter: Aldo R. Pucci, Psy.D,
President, National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists
Prerequisite: Rational Living Therapy Level-One Certification Program
Recorded Live from an RLT Level-Two Seminar!
The audio presentation portion is provided on a USB thumb drive.
A Complete 107-Page Manual and an Exam Included!
The Rational Living Therapy Level-Two Certification Home Study Program covers:
Personality Disorders
Basic Premises of RLT Treatment of Personality Disorders
- How to Engage the Client Depending on His / Her Personality Charicterisitics
- How to Encourage Collaboration
- The Common Underlying Assumptions Associated with the various Personality Disorders
- Techniques for Pattern Analysis
- Techniques for Pattern Change
- Techniques that encourage Pattern Maintenance
Personality Disorders Discussed in-depth include: Dependent, Avoidant, Borderline, Paranoid, Passive-Aggressive, Antisocial, Histrionic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Narcissistic, Schizoid, and Schizotypal.
Advanced "Underlying Assumptions (Core Beliefs or Schemas)" Therapy
- Various Methods to uncover underlying assumptions, including the "downward" or vertical arrow technique
- Underlying Belief Structual Qualities
- Continuum of Underlying Belief Change
- Successive Approximation of Thought Acquisitiontm Technique (SATA)
Advanced Cognitive Modification Skills
- Soft Countering Techniques
- Hard Countering Techniques
- Objective countering techniques
Application to Mood / Anxiety Disorders
- How to Apply Rational Living Therapy to problems of Depression and Anxiety, including "Major Depression," "Dysthymia," "Panic Disorder," "Agoraphobia," "Specific Phobias," and "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder."
Group Therapy
- Learn how to apply Rational Living Therapy in Group Settings
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